Emilia Romagna
E m i l i a R o m a g n a I t a l y W i n e
Vineyard Area: 51.000 hectars
Mountain: 5%
Hill : 24%
Plain: 71%
Total Wine Production: 5.651.000 hectolitres
DOP Wines: 22,5%
IGP Wines: 41,6%
Red and Rosé Wines: 47%
White Wines: 53%
Wine Designations:
DOCG Wines: 2
DOC Wines: 18
IGT Wines: 9
(Data 2019. Source: UIV – ISTAT and calculations)
Emilia Romagna
H i s t o r y o f W i n e i n E m i l i a - R o m a g n a
Emilia-Romagna is a region of Central-Northern Italy that extends along the River Po to the north and the Apennine Mountains to the south. It is one of the most fertile and productive regions in Italy also thanks to the influence of the Adriatic Sea which, contrasting the sea and the mountains, mitigates and creates climatic diversity in favor of vineyards and wines.
Climate and Territory
The Emilia-Romagna territory is equally divided between the plain and the hills. The internal area is endowed with harsh winters and hot summers with strong temperature variations which, with the sea breeze, favour the ripening of the grapes for fine and elegant wines. The area to the west of the region has a continental that fades into approaching the sea. The soils are mainly of alluvial origin, rich in clay and silt which make them fertile and allow the obtainment of fresh and excellent semi-sparkling and sparkling wines. In the hilly area, clayey and silt-rich soils are ideal for the production of elegant wines.
cantina danese
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