Delle Venezie

D e l l e V e n e z i e


The “delle Venezie” DOC is a recent denomination born in 2016 with the aim of enhancing one of the most important and widespread grape varieties in the Tre Venezie area: pinot grigio.

Geographical area

This vine, although it is grown everywhere in Italy, is found in Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and the province of Trento, a unique territory that today represents the largest area in the world dedicated to this vine with a vineyard area of over 25 thousand hectares. The DOC delle Venezie wants to enhance the great potential of Pinot Grigio under a single denomination that is testimony to the identifying values of the territory and of the people who produce it.


Considered one of the most precious and iconic Italian white wines, it has still had a huge international success that has consecrated it as a symbol of Italian style throughout the world. With a production that exceeds 200 million bottles, 95% of Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC is exported to numerous countries that recognise and appreciate its unique and distinctive style including the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany also thanks to its enormous versatility in the combination with many foods.

Wine suppliers

The reliability of suppliers is fundamental for Danese to guarantee the quality and pleasantness of our wines. We are looking for partners who have shared values and projects and who operate according to agreed quality standards. Suppliers are selected according to criteria of competence, product quality, certifications, operational continuity, respecting the environment and safety standards.


Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige

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