Veneto IGT

V e n e t o I G T


Veneto IGT is a denomination that represents one of the most important wine-growing areas of the Veneto region.

Geographical area

The Veneto IGT denomination was created in 1995 to confirm further protection of the quality of this important wine-growing area that extends along the provinces of Belluno, Padua, Rovigo, Treviso, Venice, Verona, Vicenza, thus enclosing a territory that goes from the hills to the Dolomites passing through the plain and reaching the lagoon areas and the Adriatic Sea. The wines of the Veneto IGT appellation are both white wine, red wine and rose wine and are mainly based on single grape varieties.


The history of wine in Veneto has very ancient origins that date back to the times of the Greeks who generally recognised the cultivation of the vine and the Etruscan-Rhaetian traces for the production of wine. A leading role was played by Venice which, with its commercial power,introduced the first Veneto wine products in distant countries and also new varieties of vines that flanked the autochthonous ones. The Veneto IGT appellation is still very well-known and appreciated in Italy and around the world today, continuously demonstrating the very high fame and prestige of Veneto wines around the world.

Wine suppliers

The reliability of suppliers is fundamental for Danese to guarantee the quality and pleasantness of our wines. We are looking for partners who have shared values and projects and who operate according to agreed quality standards. Suppliers are selected according to criteria of competence, product quality, certifications, operational continuity, respecting the environment and safety standards.



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