

S i c i l y I t a l y W i n e

Vineyard Area: 98.354 hectars
Mountain: 5%
Hill : 65%
Plain: 30%

Total Wine Production: 344.000 hectolitres
DOP Wines: 28%
IGP Wines: 53%
Red and Rosé Wines: 43%
White Wines: 57%

Wine Designations
DOCG Wines: 1
DOC Wines: 23
IGT Wines: 7

(Data 2019. Source: UIV – ISTAT and calculations)


H i s t o r y o f W i n e i n S i c i l y


The first appearance of the vine in Sicily dates back to the second millennium BC. but viticulture is due to the Greeks. The cultivation of the vine was important for the production of raisins during the Arab rule. The notoriety of Sicilian wines arrived in 1700 thanks to a merchant who sent Marsala wine to England to which alcohol had been added and transformed it into fortified wine: the success was enormous. At the end of the 19th century, the enormous decline in French wine production due to phylloxera greatly pushed the development of vine cultivation and wine production in Sicily. In the second half of the 90s Sicilian wine production changed to more modern, less alcoholic and fresher wines obtained from native vines with the aim of authentic and quality wines.

Climate and Territory

Sicily is an island and is called the island of the sun. The territory is mainly composed of hills and mountains. There are two types of climate: a Mediterranean climate with very hot and breezy summers and mild winters with little rain along the coasts and a continental climate in the colder mountainous areas characterised by strong seasonal and daily temperature variations. The climatic diversity allows a perfect ripening of the grapes to obtain fresh white wines and more structured red wines. The Sicilian soil is rich in lava and tuff soils due to the eruptions of the Etna Volcano which give particular aromatic notes to the wines. There are also more calcareous and clayey soils which give the grapes a colouring intensity and good acidity.

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